What I learned from running a Design Sprint (part 1)

Chris Roy
6 min readSep 13, 2019

OK, so first a little background — I work as the Design Lead at TravelPerk, a high-growth, travel platform for businesses. Last week was the first week we ran a fully-fledged Design Sprint, where I acted as Moderator.

I’m here to share my learnings for others to hopefully benefit and expand on.

Not familiar with Design Sprints? I suggest checking out the official Design Sprint website before continuing.

This was me back in our second office. We are now in our 4th office in 4 years. 😅

Preparation is key

Sounds obvious, right? It was to me too — however, the exact amount of time you’ll need for preparation is what caught me by surprise. You see a Design Sprint isn’t just the 5 days you run it, as marketed. It’s closer to 6 by the time you factor in all the extra work that’s required.

Share the work

By assigning roles and leaning on your team you’ll keep them more engaged throughout the week. This will also leave you free to focus on the big picture and make sure everything is falling into place. Keep checking in though, to make sure they understand what is being asked of them and if they need any help.

Get a room!

Initially, we had rooms scattered around the office, because blocking one for a whole week is a monumental task. I took…



Chris Roy

Product Design and Strategy: Building successful teams and products 💪 🚀 linkedin.com/in/chrisnorthswiss